Colonne de Juillet

(History of Bastille)
Sunday strolls at Place des Vosges, the oldest square in Paris

Basically this sign is saying that all you can do is walk your bike or pick up trash

(History of Vosges)
Party people

Apparently you can take these bikes for free for an hour, and then it's one euro after that. Sweet!


A friend told me about this place, Breakfast in America, that we had to check out.

Just what I needed- a cup 'o joe and a dr. pepper.
Did I mention there are flexi straws everywhere?

I've got to find out what this store is.

This is Starbucks.

This is the Hotel de Ville where the mayor lives and city hall. Not bad, eh?

Carousel in front of the Hotel de Ville.

(Info on Hotel de Ville)
This has me quite confused:

Fontaine St. Michel

Notre Dame

Palais de Justice

Institute de France

Metro art nouveau sign at Rue St. Maur

Rad things I've seen in the subway:
Every station has different chairs. It's really bizarre, but I like this one because it looks like a smiley face.

Buy, sell, trade?



<3 My favorite ad <3

I'm seriously convinced this is not physically possible no matter how flexible you are.

Chairs... on a bench...

Sometimes you just need to go to Hard Rock Cafe and have Long Beach Iced Teas in the Nu-Metal corner.

Then you might want to find somewhere cheaper, like this place, Hetfeeld's.

3.50 euro ($5.20) for a pint and 5 euro ($7.50) cocktails! hell yes!

This is Claude. Ask him for the Claude Special. He looks tough, but he's really a sweetheart.

Hump day celebration


Le Petit Palais

Le Grand Palais, which was too grand for a photo

Pont Alexander III leading to Les Invalides

(Les Invalides)

Chillin on the Bridge

(Grand Palais, Petit Palais, Pont Alexander III)
I found an American deli not even a block from my apartment!

Balmain, where some of my evenings are spent

How I've been spending my mornings

Ann helps me get dressed

Check out my rack

A preview

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