Walking down the aisle once again in honor of my oldest and dearest friend, Miss Katherine Bostwick. We first met in pre-school when we were 2 years old. Kat and I grew up around the corner from each other and shared everything- barbies, dance classes, clothes. Her dad is the one who dubbed me with my original nickname, LuLu. She is about to wed the lovely JR Woodall this coming November 8th in Napa, and I am so, so excited for everything. Kat made a cute little website for it all which you can check out under my Favorites links list just to the right of this post. It is truly wonderful to have someone you care about find the right person and watch their relationship grow. The Bostwicks are my second family, and Kat (and Libby!) is the sister I never had. I can't wait!!!
Baby Kat & Lu

Us at Claudia's wedding

The beautiful couple:

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