My bedroom

New couch, new dress, rainy day #26

"Air-ees" American bread, Monsieur Propre, how to fold a taco

Love this wall in one of the Louvre gift shops...
the tongs open and close with drops of water

Bizarre art?/ad?/mural?/wallcovering?/je-ne-sais-pas at Carousel du Louvre

Place Vendome

I'm going to pause here for a moment to comment on something.
Every, literally every, evening since I arrived I hear the couple upstairs arguing. Usually it's the woman shouting something really loud (just now "REGARDES!"), maybe she slams a door or two, the guy responds, and the argument lasts a total of 30 seconds... But like clockwork, e-v-e-r-y evening in pretty much the same manor. Tres bizarre.
May I also just say that Paris is a big small town.
Back to photos...
Sunday was free museum day, and also like clockwork, I returned 6 months later to Musee Rodin, this time with my friend Mak. The museum is absolutely gorgeous in the spring because many of his works are placed around a garden, in trees, around a pond. It was interesting to see his pieces in an entirely new light- the dreary early evening of Winter. The Gates of Hell suddenly look more ominous, and this guy below, while I found him interesting before (I love his face), he was definitely made for Fall. Spring is not his setting...

We got there late because I attempted to go to my friend's exhibit at Gallerie Daniel Jibert, and ended up finding work by Igor Ustinov, who also currently has some works on display on Champs-Elysee. I liked this one, "A Dieu" ("To God")... it's Freedom 08 in a sculpture.

And the always adorable Rue Saint-Dominique.

more to come soon.
Dusty arrives Sunday!
ps. Back to NYC next Friday for 4 days.
Let's hang!
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