So my mom and I are taking a trip to Italy! We are going to Naples on the 8th and then up to Lido Adriano (Ravenna) at some point to visit Aurelio where I will stay after my mom goes back. I'm so excited because I've only been to Milan twice and during what I consider model hell- Milan Fashion Week. Most people seem to think Milan is ugly, but I actually like the city itself (minus that ridiculous club Hollywood). Fashion Week there is literally 20 castings a day, all over the city, with 500 girls at all of them, and they expect you to wait 3 hours at each. Not exactly possible. Anyway I am looking forward to seeing more of Italy outside of Milan and work. I hope to eat some amazing pizza in Naples and get a sweet tan in Lido Adriano.
This photo is from my birthday in Milan a couple years ago. I literally arrived 2 days before, had no friends, and my bookers were kind enough to take me out to dinner. Everyone was stoked on celebrating my birthday, and I love people who love to celebrate! It was strangely one of the loneliest days I've had but also surprisingly one of my favorite birthdays.

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